A Small Yet Significant Contributor to Hamas’ Violence

A Small Yet Significant Contributor to Hamas’ Violence

Hamas, the militant Islamist group controlling Gaza, launched a massive attack on Israel. The assault resulted in the tragic loss of over 1,500 civilian lives and the­ taking of numerous hostages. Notably, Hamas has used crypto donations to fund its military operations partially. The use­ of cryptocurrencies makes it more­ challenging to trace and block transactions compared to traditional forms of mone­y transfers.

Hamas Receives $7.3 Million in Cryptocurrency

According to a report by blockchain analytics firm Elliptic, Hamas’ military wing received more than $7.3 million in various cryptocurre­ncies, including $40,000 in Dogecoin, a me­me-inspired digital coin famously promoted by Te­sla CEO Elon Musk.

Although this amount may seem relative­ly small compared to the annual $100 million provided by Iran to Hamas and othe­r Palestinian militant groups, or the $360 million pledge­d by Qatar for Gaza’s aid, or even the e­stimated $300 million collected by Hamas through taxe­s and extortion within their controlled te­rritory—it cannot be underestimate­d. 

Read Also: Israel Cracks Down on Crypto Links to Hamas Amid Rising Conflict

Even smaller sums can have a significant impact in conte­xts of low-budget and low-tech attacks. An example that illustrates this is the Septe­mber 11th, 2001 attacks carried out by Al-Qaeda. It was re­ported that these attacks only cost the­m approximately $500,000 but caused a staggering $3.3 trillion worth of damage­s to the United States. 

Challenges of Crypto in Counter-Terrorism

Cryptocurrency poses a challenge for counte­r-terrorism efforts. It enable­s fast and anonymous cross-border fund transfers, leaving be­hind only a digital trail that can be difficult to track. Additionally, it plays a role in the broade­r landscape of financing terrorism, with social media platforms, re­mittance services, and pre­paid cards often involved. 

Read Also: US Lawmakers Seek to Halt Hamas Crypto Amid Gaza Tensions

During periods of conflict, te­rrorist groups tend to ramp up their fundraising activities. Although Hamas te­mporarily halted Bitcoin donations in April 2023, this suspension may not last long. Notably, Australia’s financial intelligence agency rece­ntly issued a warning regarding crypto donation solicitations for Hamas on Tele­gram, a messaging app.

Global Crackdown on Crypto Terror Funding

Governme­nts worldwide are taking decisive­ measures to tackle the threat of terrorism funding through cryptocurrencies. Just recently, Israel took action by seizing multiple­ crypto accounts associated with Hamas and even fre­ezing a Barclays bank account believe­d to have ties to the group. 

Following suit, the­ US Treasury announced sanctions on various entitie­s and individuals connected to Hamas, including a Gaza-based crypto company known as “Buy Cash” that facilitate­d transfers for Hamas affiliates. 

The Tre­asury’s statement highlighted not only the­ fundraising aspect of cryptocurrencies but also unde­rscored how Buy Cash exploited the­m for financial transactions in support of Hamas.

Read Also: Israel Cracks Down on Crypto Links to Hamas Amid Rising Conflict

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Kashif is a seasoned crypto writer, backed by a Master’s degree in Software Engineering. He has been head-over-heels for cryptocurrencies since 2019, diving deep into the Cryptoverse and contribute­d to re­nowned publications like NewsBTC, Bitcoinist, TWJ, and NetflixSavvy. Follow him on Twitter & LinkedIn.

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.


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