Dubai Sets Nov. 17 Deadline for Crypto Licensing Compliance

Dubai Sets Nov. 17 Deadline for Crypto Licensing Compliance

In a decisive move to safeguard investors and cement its position as a frontrunner in the virtual asset space, Dubai’s Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority (VARA) has rolled out a final call. This request requires all crypto-related businesses to finalize their licensing endeavors by November 17, 2023.

Clock Ticking for Crypto Compliance

As the Emirate sharpens its focus on security and consumer protection, VARA’s mandate is clear. Every digital asset service provider (VASP) within its jurisdiction must secure a license posthaste. The Authority’s message is unmistakable since a delay could spell dire regulatory consequences. 

Hence, businesses needing to catch up in their application processes are urged to engage with VARA immediately. Moreover, this move underscores Dubai’s unwavering commitment to a transparent and robust virtual asset ecosystem.

Dubai’s Regulatory March Forward

Following the Authority’s establishment and the adoption of its comprehensive regulatory framework, VARA has made significant headway. In collaboration with key commercial bodies, it has orchestrated an extensive domestic outreach program. 

Consequently, the city has seen over a thousand legacy firms eager to align with its pioneering regulatory environment. Additionally, the Authority has been proactive in affirming the necessity of full compliance for VASPs, exemplified by the strict enforcement of penalties against non-conforming entities.

As the deadline looms, VARA’s stance remains firm on completing licensing or facing the inevitable activation of enforcement protocols. This stipulation is a testament to Dubai’s assertive approach to managing its flourishing virtual asset market, ensuring it remains at the vanguard of financial innovation and security.

Read Also: Standard Chartered-Backed Zodia Markets Receives VASP License In Ireland

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Kelvin is a distinguished writer specializing in crypto and finance, backed by a Bachelor’s in Actuarial Science. Recognized for incisive analysis and insightful content, he has an adept command of English and excels at thorough research and timely delivery.

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.


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