Rebranded “X” Yet to Claim It’s Own Twitter Handle Reveals @X Owner

Rebranded “X” Yet to Claim It’s Own Twitter Handle Reveals @X Owner

It has been days since Elon Musk and Twitter officially unveiled the rebrand of the social media platform to X and thus far, there has not been any indication that it has claimed the @X handle. 

Twitter X Account Ownership Flashing Concerns

According to a TechCrunch report, the owner of the @X Twitter account has come out to reveal that Elon Musk and the company are yet to reach out to him as it concerns an expected plan to take over the account. 

Twitter’s rebranding to X was notably rushed. Despite the fact that the logo has been changed from the Blue Bird to X, several aspects of the social media platform including the search box still reference Twitter. The official Twitter Account has been changed to X but the handle is yet to depict @X.

Owners of the @X handle, particularly Gene X Hwang of corporate photography and videography studio, Orange Photography, said he will be willing to part away with the handle if the right amount is offered by the company. While Gene according to the TechCrunch report said he has no official figures in mind, it remains unclear whether or not the social media platform will be exploring any other alternative at this time.

As part of the rushed rebranding, Coingape reported earlier that some users reported unavailability of tweets earlier this week, a disruption that has not been recorded to pose any danger thus far.

More Copyright Infringements May be Underway

The letter X that now represents the Twitter brand is a very controversial letter as a number of tech giants currently own the copyright for different versions of the symbol. From Meta Platforms to Microsoft through its Xbox game console, a number of companies lay claim to the letter X and it remains unclear whether or not they will be making an attempt to go after Elon Musk and the company.

Despite the similarities in branding, Elon Musk is positioning the X app as the ‘Everything App’ in what may also incorporate digital payments. The fundamental shift in service offering and model is bound to distinguish the purpose of Twitter’s X as compared to other Xs in the broader digital ecosystem.

Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture. Follow him on Twitter, Linkedin

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