Top 5 Examples of Metaverse You Should Be Familiar With

Top 5 Examples of Metaverse You Should Be Familiar With

Latest technological innovations and disruptive technologies such as Metaverse, Web 3.0, automated systems, and AI-powered devices like better chatbots and robots have changed how we socialize, work, entertain, play, interact, and so on. Since change is the only constant thing in the digital world, we as human beings have adapted to welcome the digital world and face its challenges. These days there is a lot of buzz around Metaverse and Metaverse games. Metaverse for education and the workplace is acquiring traction. Moreover, people, these days are also testing shopping in the Metaverse. It is known that one-day brand interactions in the Metaverse will replace brand interactions in the real world, while it is also possible that brands will use a hybrid approach of both Metaverse and in-person interactions. Given the increased application of Metaverse technology, there are speculations that the Metaverse will come to the mainstream in the next five years.

In the article, we will talk about the top best-known Metaverse examples you should be familiar with. These include Ready Player One, Fortnite, Nvidia Omniverse, Meta Horizons (Facebook), and Coca-Cola Collaboration with Tafi.

What is Metaverse?

Metaverse is an online 3D space created by the confluence of virtually improved physical and digital reality where users can communicate with each other via computer-generated objects or avatars. In colloquial use, we can understand the metaverse as a network of 3D virtual worlds that is focused on social connection.
Metaverse’s digital reality is a combination of social media, online gaming, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and cryptocurrencies enabling users to interact virtually. Augmented reality (AR) overlays visual elements, sound, and other sensory input onto real-world settings to improve the user experience. On the other hand, virtual reality is entirely virtual and enriches fictional realities.
Top companies who have invested early and heavily in Metaverse include Meta (Facebook), Microsoft, Google, Nvidia, and Epic Games.
Apple will likely release a VR headset in the next two years, revving the AR/VR development demand. Even without Apple botching the doors off this market, VR and AR are expected to be totally immersive (or photorealistic) by 2032.
The most impressive “Metaverse companies” are the ones that will encourage the adoption of augmented and virtual reality in industries outside of gaming via advancement in hardware, software, professional services, networking, payment solutions, and beyond.

Top five Metaverse Examples:

1. Meta Horizons (Facebook):

When Mark Zuckerberg rebranded his company (Facebook) to Meta, it indicated how vital the metaverse concept would be to the future of digital communications, living, and socializing. So far, the result has been various projects, including Horizon Worlds, Horizon Venues, and Horizon Workrooms. All these platforms are interconnected and enable users to make avatars representing them as they explore and interact with other users. The existence of Horizon has forced us to ponder one important question: if we want a metaverse where ownership is centralized or a more distributed, decentralized model of ownership as well as governance?

2. Ready Player One:

When talking about metaverse, Ready Player One is one of the most cited examples. Ernest Cline’s 2011 science fiction novel paints a persuasive picture of the metaverse and how it would work.
In the film, which is set in 2045, people find an escape from a world ravaged by war, poverty, and climate change to find salvation in the OASIS, an expansive virtual reality universe created by James Halliday. The OASIS is a massively multiplayer online simulation game (MMOSG), complete with its virtual world (and currency), where they can engage with other players, visit different locations, play games, and even shop. The OASIS is where anything can occur—people’s imagination only limits “reality,” and anyone can be whoever they want to be.
Although Ready Player One is pure science fiction, it shows us what a wholly immersive and interactive virtual reality world could look like soon.

3. Fortnite:

Fortnite is popularly known as one of the most successful online games that have ever been created. But Epic Games creators quickly realized that once they succeeded in bringing millions of switched-on and tech-savvy gamers together on their platform, it potentially became more game-changing. Two main strands that are being followed to turn the world of Fortnite into a true metaverse are live music concerts from global superstars, including Travis Scott, Ariana Grande, and Billie Eilish. Brands such as Telco 02, broadcaster ITV and supermarket Carrefour have all used the creative mode to take their initial steps into the metaverse.
In Fortnite, players can create their own worlds, embark on adventures and crossplay with other players. The crossplay feature enables players to access the game across different platforms, like the Xbox, PC, Playstation, and mobile phones.


4. Nvidia Omniverse:

Nvidia Omniverse is a revolutionary new virtual collaboration and simulation platform for 3D design professionals. The platform is based on Pixar’s Universal Scene Description (USD) and NVIDIA RTX™ technology. For example, this allows characters to be developed collaboratively, with facial animators, clothing designers, and other creatives all using tools they are familiar with.

As 3D environments become increasingly more detailed and immersive and need more work to create, this kind of creative framework will become an important tool for studios creating metaverse content. Omniverse enables individuals and companies across multiple industries to address the challenges of complex 3D workflows by connecting users and content creation tools and allowing AI to be used across shared virtual worlds.

5. Coca-Cola partnership with Tafi:

In 2021, Coca-Cola partnered with Tafi (a leading designer of digital wearables) to auction its first-ever non-fungible token (NFT) collectibles in the Metaverse celebration of International friendship day.
Coca-Cola’s collectible loot box featured:

  • A unique Coca-Cola Bubble Jacket.
  • A visualizer that grabs the core of Coca-Cola’s signature epic, the ” share-a-coke” campaign.
  • A vintage 1940s Coca-Cola friendship card that you can show off inside Metaverse Denetraland.

Read More: Top Crypto Metaverse Games To Play For Free In 2022 

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