US DOJ Rejects SBF Attorney’s Request To Probe Witnesses

US DOJ Rejects SBF Attorney’s Request To Probe Witnesses

US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors oppose Sam Bankman-Fried’s (SBF) attorneys from the cross-examination of witnesses. Prosecutors request Judge Kaplan to dismiss the defense’s motion in limine regarding the cross-examination of witnesses including Caroline Ellison. In addition, denying Sam Bankman-Fried’s request to the court to reconsider earlier rulings.

DOJ Rejects Defense’s Request For Cross-Examination Of Witnesses

US DOJ prosecutors sent a letter to Judge Kaplan opposing the defense’s request to cross-examine witnesses. The plaintiff believes the defendant’s motion should be denied as the arguments are worthless and a waste of judicial resources.

Prosecutors assert defendant’s arguments regarding theories of wire fraud are incorrect, and seeking investor testimony by prosecutors regarding their understanding of the defendant’s representations is proper. Also, DOJ prosecutors have no objection to cross-examination by the SBF’s defense team, but questions they want to ask witnesses such as FTX terms of service.

On October 11, Judge Kaplan denied the defense’s request to cross-examine former FTX CTO Gary Wang regarding FTX lawyers’ involvement in structuring loans by Alameda Research. Sam Bankman-Fried’s lawyers seeking to cross-examine former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison on the same arguments.

Sam Bankman-Fried’s attorneys sent a letter on October 12 to Judge Lewis A. Kaplan seeking to cross-examine every witness after former Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison’s testimony. Prosecutors believe the motion should be denied.

Prosecutors also think that Sam Bankman-Fried’s defense team requesting clarification and reconsideration on some portions of the court’s rulings is irrelevant. Judge has precluded the defense from mentioning Anthropic, cross-examination of Wang and Ellison, and FTX’s regulation in the US. In fact, SBF’s attorneys claim these decisions could significantly shape the direction and outcomes of the proceedings.

However, Wang and Ellison’s testimonies have revealed that Sam Bankman-Fried misappropriated customer funds for FTX deals, illegal transactions, buying properties, etc. He also manipulated the market by trying to keep Bitcoin price under $20,000.

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Varinder has 10 years of experience in the Fintech sector, with over 5 years dedicated to blockchain, crypto, and Web3 developments. Being a technology enthusiast and analytical thinker, he has shared his knowledge of disruptive technologies in over 5000+ news, articles, and papers. With CoinGape Media, Varinder believes in the huge potential of these innovative future technologies. He is currently covering all the latest updates and developments in the crypto industry.

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