What Differ Facebook Metaverse From Microsoft Metaverse?

What Differ Facebook Metaverse From Microsoft Metaverse?

What is Metaverse?

The metaverse is a system of interconnected, realistic virtual worlds. Generally where users can interact with each other, make and play games, work, and shop. The metaverse can be compared to cyberspace or an advanced, three-dimensional internet where logging in is not required. It might also include aspects of augmented and virtual reality. There are already a lot of metaverses, like those found in online game platforms like The Sandbox and virtual worlds like Decentraland.

The concept of a single, acknowledged metaverse is still hypothetical and science fiction at this point. Although some tech behemoths have continued to create metaverse-like experiences like virtual fashion shows, live concerts, and workplaces despite this.

Over the past few years, a number of businesses have been working on various aspects of the metaverse, but internet-native businesses like Facebook (now Meta) and Microsoft have taken the lead. But why are businesses pouring millions of dollars into the metaverse?

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, rebranded the company by changing Facebook to Meta because he thinks that the idea of a digital future is essential to improving the user experience. Additionally, smart glasses with augmented reality, virtual reality headsets, and limited desktop and mobile applications will probably be able to access the Facebook metaverse.


Facebook Metaverse

The rebranding of Facebook as Meta Platforms, or Meta, for short, surprised regular users of the app. However, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder, claimed that the renaming was to signal that the company was branching out and was linked to more than one product. He also stated that Meta better represents the company’s goals.

The name change comes after the company announced plans to hire 10,000 people in the EU to build the “Metaverse,” a move reminiscent of Google’s organizational restructure into Alphabet in 2015.

Meta is creating its infrastructure to allow users to participate in the experience rather than just observe it. Users of Horizon Worlds download the app, make an avatar, and then join computer-simulated events that are meant to be realistic, including work meetings, sporting events, parties, and workouts like boxing, meditation, biking, and aerobics, among other things. The company encourages creators to add new places using the world-building tools available on the Horizon platform, though Meta has built some of these worlds as well.

facebook metaverse

Microsoft Metaverse

Microsoft is another business that is at the forefront of metaverse technology. The owner of the Xbox, Microsoft, has long made gaming investments. What does Microsoft’s announcement that it would buy Activision Blizzard mean in addition to that? Do Microsoft and Activision share ownership?

According to the Microsoft-Activision agreement, people will spend an increasing amount of time online, and virtual worlds powered by the metaverse will revolve around gaming. Additionally, Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, thinks that if the metaverse is an immersive setting, gaming already provides users with such an experience through works like Mojang and the Microsoft-owned game Minecraft.

Microsoft wants people to use its Metaverse apps for work, school, training, and entertainment. Avatars, AR, and VR can be used to improve and reinvent these real-world requirements.

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Facebook Metaverse vs Microsoft Metaverse: Differences

Microsoft has advanced past the point where it considers the creation of reports and records to enable collaboration on such documents. Facebook was created with the goal of facilitating connections between people. Even though this is crucial and essential for development in both the professional and personal spheres, it has drawbacks.

Similar to Facebook, Microsoft has a similar vision for the metaverse. However, there are important distinctions, such as Facebook’s increased attention to online social media relationships. Whereas Microsoft’s more intense concentration on work. The idea of Facebook is more in line with the sci-fi future form. Also, where people spend a large portion of their lives immersed in vibrant virtual realities. Microsoft has consistently performed admirably in this endeavor, and its utility and collaboration tools continue to be the top choice in the workplace.

Microsoft is employing a hierarchical strategy by integrating its metaverse concept into projects like Mesh for Teams and connecting people in mixed reality through employment. Contrarily, Meta advocates a bottom-up strategy, bringing all users into a metaverse that can eventually develop into a location for both play and employment. The virtual worlds of both companies are oriented toward their specializations; Microsoft is familiar with the business side, while Meta is familiar with the social component. It’s difficult to determine which of these dreams is more rational since they are fundamentally the same.

The section for Microsoft Teams will have a number of already-built, colorful locations that can be used in a variety of contexts, from gatherings to social mixers. In the long run, Microsoft believes that businesses will want to develop vibrant, personalized environments for Teams, like the Nth Floor with Mesh.

Microsoft Metaverse vs Facebook Metaverse

How do companies enter the metaverse?

The immersive setting of the metaverse isn’t just for companies that cater to customers. As an alternative, the metaverse has many business applications, including training future surgeons, showing off products, and working with distant relatives. Brands should always be in a test-and-learn mindset because the digital environment, in particular, demands intellectual curiosity. The metaverse may represent the next step in how people communicate, interact, and conduct business online.

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Steps involved in entering the metaverse world

  1. Discover your target audience
  2. Analyze your competitor’s
  3. Product investigation
  4. Maintain equilibrium while preparing for the launch of the metaverse

How will the metaverse affect the nature of work in the future?

The use of metaverse technology may lead to the development of innovative ways for people to communicate and cooperate online. Executives must make sure that this vision of work does not cause burnout in workers from spending too much time in virtual worlds.

1. Improved remote cooperation

Remote meetings in VR are more engaging and less sedentary because participants can actively participate in group discussions by writing on a virtual whiteboard or using post-it notes. Additionally, compared to a typical virtual meeting, this calls for much more active use of the neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.

2. Immersive training and learning opportunities

The time required to learn and acquire new skills could be greatly shortened by the metaverse, revolutionizing training and skill development. Digital coaches with AI capabilities might be used to help with employee training. It is especially helpful for training in dangerous situations. Where an immersive learning environment can mimic the real world while removing any health and safety hazards.


virtual reality

3. Well-being spaces

The Metaverse might have areas set aside for users to unwind and try something new. Some states have developed wellness zones that are modeled after fitness centers, virtual forests, or aquariums. On-demand content like guided meditations and exercise classes enhanced by VR tools can be found in these spaces.

4. Delivery to a physical space

The ability to order takeout food, books, and other items online and have them delivered to a physical location. However, such as a person’s home, studio, or other workspaces can be added by users.

5. Live status monitoring

Users can explore the Metaverse world with a 360-degree view of the office floor. They can see where coworkers are located and who is available, to drop by for a chat. However, they can participate in other collaborative activities, just like what is possible in the actual studio.


In the end, occupiers and investors looking to expand into the Metaverse. They should decide which applications are best for their industry. Make sure they complement their long-term planned goals as well. It’s important to note that the walls and ceilings of the office will not be replaced by the virtual world. Instead, it promises to enhance the overall studio experience and complement the physical environment. When considering how the Metaverse and related VR tools can further enhance their long-term studio and portfolio strategy. They should also take into account the nature of how existing physical space is used.

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