Why Is Fantom (FTM) Price Rising Today? Is Andre Cronje Officially Back?

Why Is Fantom (FTM) Price Rising Today? Is Andre Cronje Officially Back?

Fantom founder Andre Cronje on Monday shared the goals and priorities for the next year 2023. Over the next 12 months, the primary goal will be to create a sustainable environment for DApp developers, while distinguishing itself from other layer-1 solutions.

The core focus will include gas monetization, gas subsidies, account abstraction, economic abstraction of gas fees, new middleware Fantom Virtual Machine, and others.


Moreover, Andre Cronje is officially back as a member of the Board of Directors for Fantom Foundation Ltd and Fantom Operations Ltd.

Fantom Founder Andre Cronje Plan for 2023

Fantom founder Andre Cronje on December 26 announced plans for 2023, shared in a letter to the Fantom Foundation. He asserts Fantom was born in a bear market and will keep building, growing, and improving to get the most out of this bear market.

Fantom plans to provide the highest throughput blockchain that offers a single secure settlement layer for all decentralized activity. Andre Cronje believes all decentralized apps should be able to benefit from the same base layer security.

“Our Foundation’s role isn’t to choose a business vertical- it’s to enable a base layer that can facilitate all verticals. We shouldn’t be focused on user verticals. Our focus needs to be on developer verticals: improving tooling, integration, ease of use, developer UX, etc.”

The primary goal for the next 12 months is to create a sustainable environment for DApp developers. Also, Fantom wants to distinguish itself from other layer-1 solutions.

The core focus for 2023 includes gas monetization, gas subsidies, account abstraction, and economic abstraction of gas fees. Also, the team will work on new middleware for Fantom Virtual Machine and a new storage mechanism. The EVM is still a primary bottleneck for the team.

The team will further look into documentation and training for new builders and non-blockchain native developers. This will help with the goal of base layer scaling and make it easier for builders to build easier Dapps and onboard users.

Fantom will focus on improving finances, providing funding & grant opportunities for dapp teams, and prioritizing building a better marketing and business development team by Q2 2023.

FTM Price Soars Due to Andre Cronje Return

Andre Cronje has officially returned to Fantom. Cronje revealed that he accepted the position as a member of the Board of Directors for both Fantom Foundation Ltd and Fantom Operations Ltd. LinkedIn profile of Andre Cronje also confirmed his return.

As a result, the Fantom (FTM) token price rises over 2% in the last 24 hours. Currently, the FTM price is trading at $0.2053.

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Varinder is a Technical Writer and Editor, Technology Enthusiast, and Analytical Thinker. Fascinated by Disruptive Technologies, he has shared his knowledge about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things. He has been associated with the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry for a substantial period and is currently covering all the latest updates and developments in the crypto industry.

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.


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